These links will guide you to the official versions of college policies, wherever they appear on the college web site.
Official publication of required information
- Campus crime report (Clery Act)
- Graduation rates (Student Right-to-know Act)
- Policy against abuse of drugs and alcohol
- Policy on privacy of student records (FERPA)
- Student voter registration
General college policies
- Bias Incident Policy & Reporting
- Discrimination and Harassment Policies
- Electric Vehicle Charging Policy
- Fire safety
- Free Expression Policy
- Inclement Weather Policy and Guidelines
- Information technology acceptable use
- Intellectual property
- Key, Card and Access Policies
- Mobile Apps Policies
- Parking
- Public Statement Policy
- Required Nonpartisanship as Tax-Exempt Nonprofit Entity
- Smoking
- Title IX Policy
- Travel Advisory Policy
- Uncrewed Aircraft (Drone) Policy
- Web Accessibility Notice
- Academic Grievance Policy
- Academic Standards
- Course Completion Requirements
- Credit for Work at Wheaton
- Credit Hour Policy
- Graduation Requirements
- Honor code and statement on plagiarism
- Honors
- Leave of Absence and Withdrawals
- Solomon-Amendment
- Student Name, Pronoun, and Gender Identity Policy
- The Wheaton curriculum
Designated contacts
- Alcohol and Drug Policy
- Costs
- Disabilities
- Financial aid
- Fund-raising on campus
- Hazing
- Honor code and community standards
- Leaves of absence and withdrawals
- Meal plan
- Non-Title IX Sexual and Gender-based Misconduct Policy (pdf)
- Payments
- Posting Policy
- Privacy of student records (FERPA)
- Residence halls policies
- Student Business Activity Policy
- Student Handbook
- Student Name, Pronoun, and Gender Identity Policy
- Student Religious and Cultural Holiday Observance Policy
Wheaton College
26 E. Main Street
Norton, MA 02766-2322
26 E. Main Street
Norton, MA 02766-2322